Jack received his first haircut this week. Mom and Dad were a bit apprehensive given Jack’s reputation as a squirmer, but he did quite well. He even sat in the chair all by himself.
After about 5 minutes of clipping and cutting, he started to grow frustrated. But Mom planned for this and packed a little bottle.
Once the bottle hit Jack’s lips, he relaxed and let the stylist finish the job.
For his steadiness, Jack earned a certificate proclaiming his good behavior and one other item of note.
The haircut would not be Jack’s only “first” of the day. The stylist gave him a lolipop. I had some reservations about this. But it seems that the ability to handle a lolipop is engrained in the DNA. Like ducks flying south for winter, proper technique for consuming a lolipop just comes natural.
Jack dutifully licked the lolipop until only about a pea sized chunk of candy was left on the stick. Then just as the millions of children experiencing their first taste of heaven have done, he threw it on the white carpet. With cat like reflexes Mom saved the carpet from permanent damage and the episode ended with a happy ending.